So I live on Feedom Freedom Growers Urban Farm. This evening we'll be gathering to watch the Amazing Moon with Mama Myrtle to celebrate her Solar Return. What a Beautiful day today was. The weather was just perfect. I got to enjoy brunch at the table with my roommates that we collectively prepared with fresh food we grew ourselves and had great conversation. I feel ready for the week. Tomorrow I will have Leadership training during the day & capoeira class in the evening. Right now I just finished enjoying my bike ride by the water & my fresh strawberry frozen juice popsicle. This is a picture of the artwork is on the fence that surrounds the property next to the farm. Baba Wayne painted it. That's what Artivist Organizers do when they want to improve the blight in their community and deal with the frustration of its conditions. I'll put some full heart intentions on this moon this evening because we need more Love in our universe & I have plenty to share & enjoy doing so. by pipercarter

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