#Repost @ohhappydani You can’t fix something you can’t see. ❤️ Solving present-day race issues doesn’t start with ignoring race altogether – it starts with acknowledging it (and all of the implications that come along with it). ⠀⠀ I wrote this last year and it still feels relevant so I’ll share it again: ⠀⠀ “For me, seeing in color means a few things. It’s seeing people the way God made them - seeing them in their fullness. Yes, that includes their ethnicity… but also their passions, their fears, their favorite things. All of it! When you say ‘I don’t see color,’ I hear ‘I’m choosing to ignore parts of you.’ And if you don’t see me, you can’t fight for me.” #blackhistorymonth ❤️🖤🤍🤎
